Drinking and Driving
(There is a
male driving down the street. There is a bottle of liquor and a shot glass
in the passenger street. He receives a call on his cell phone.)
"Hey, honey, what's up?"
"Nothing, I was just wondering where you are..."
"Uh...I'm not sure, I'm trying to find my way back home...I'm actually
drinking and driving right now, so if I could call you back in a little
bit, that would be coo--"
"What?! Oh my god, don't do that! I'll come pick you up!"
"What are you talking about? Oh! Ha! I didn't mean that I'm already
drunk...I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm well on my way there, but trust
me, I'm not drunk driving...I'm drinking and driving. Hold on a sec, baby,
I'm gonna take a shot...I've got a red light here."
(He pours himself a shot and then takes the shot with no chaser.)
"Ooh...fuck, that burns...well, I'm gonna keep drinking for a little
bit...I'll call you later."
(The end?)