Passed On

(A middle-aged woman is interviewing for a job. The interviewer starts asking basic questions...)

"What was your last job?"

"I worked in an accounting firm for several years, but due to the sheer boredom, I've wanted to exploit my abilities in a different field."

"I see. What made you choose this field?"

"Well, I love children, and I always have. I want to be surrounded by joy the rest of my life."

"Those sound like some very good aspirations. What experience do you have with children? Do you have any children of your own?"

"Yes, I had three babies, but unfortunately they all passed on."

"What do you mean...passed on?"

(There is a slight pause.)

"Well, I have given birth to three beautiful babies, but they all passed on."

"What exactly do you mean by that, if I may ask?"

(She has a look in her eyes as if she is glancing far away.)
"Well, I gave birth each time in a public bathroom."

"Oh, you poor thing."

"Oh, no, it's nothing, really. It was God's good will."

"So, then what happened, if you don't mind?"

"Oh, no, of course not. I took the first handsome baby boy and I wrapped it up in paper towels ever so gently, then placing him softly in the bottom of a garbage can. It was truly a beautiful thing. And, as for the others, well, they passed on to the next world in a similar fashion."

(While she is explaining this, there is a humourous flashback. What exactly the flashback entails is a surprise, a surprising surprise.)

"What do you mean?!? You did this on purpose?! Y-you killed your own babies?! Your own children?! Why?!"

(The woman's eyes roll in the back of her head. She exits the daycare center.)

(She returns.)

"Whoops, I forgot my briefcase."
(She goes into the daycare area and grabs for a small boy. She is stopped by several employees.)

("Brenda's Got A Baby" by 2-Pac will be playing quietly throughout the skit.)